Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mary Joy + Thomas

Very excited to bring you the theatrical trailer of Mary Joy & Thomas.
You might recognize them from my very first posting, Short Doc
Mary Joy and Thomas were amazing to work with,
they were up for almost anything.
They got married at Our Lady of Pompeii and
partied at the Hotel Syracuse.
When I say partied, I mean PAARTIEEEED!!!
It was crazy! Brother Brian from Visa Versa Entertainment
rocked it out! I will be posting a reception
clip in a couple of weeks so you can see how amazing The Hotel Syracuse
looked with the up lighting provided by Visa Versa.
Ed Guarente was the official photographer. A real talent I had the
pleasure of working with a few times last year. He kept me on my toes
all day, always coming up with the next great shot, I’ll get you next
time Ed. Check out some of Ed’s work from the same wedding here.
O.K so without further adieu enjoy the trailer.

Mary Joy and Thomas Wedding Trailer from Vasili's World Video on Vimeo.